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JAFFÉ Rechtsanwälte PartG mbB is registered in the partnership register of the Munich local court under registered number PR1912. The term “partner” refers to members of Jaffé Rechtsanwälte PartG mbB or professionals with comparable qualifications. A list of the members can be reviewed at the company’s registered office.

JAFFÉ Rechtsanwälte PartG mbB

Wilhelmstraße 2
80801 München

Telephone +49 (0)89 189 17 06-0
Fax +49 (0)89 189 17 06-20

Professional Codes of Practice:

Federal Regulations for Lawyers (Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung - BRAO)
Professional Code of Conduct for Lawyers (Berufsordnung - BORA)
Specialist Lawyers Regulations (Fachanwaltsordnung - FAO)
Lawyers’ Fees Act (Rechtsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz - RVG)
Code of Conduct for European Lawyers (CCBE)
Act Regulating the Activity of European Lawyers in Germany (Gesetz über Tätigkeit europäischer Rechtsanwälte in Deutschland - EuRAG)

The legislation may be downloaded at www.brak.de

Law Societies:

The lawyers at JAFFÉ Rechtsanwälte Insolvenzverwalter are members of the following law societies:
- Munich Law Society
- Frankfurt a.M. Law Society
- Cologne Law Society

Tax Number: 143/534/11072

Professional Indemnity Insurance:

Our professional indemnity insurers are Zurich Versicherung AG, Riehler Straße 90, 50657 Cologne.  The geographical scope of our insurance coverage covers work we perform in the member states of the European Union and thus satisfies the minimum requirements of section 51 of the Federal Regulations for Lawyers, section 45(1) of the Patent Attorneys Regulations (Patentanwaltsordnung - PatAnwO), section 67 of the Tax Consultants Act (Steuerberatungsgesetz - StBerG), sections 51 et seq. of the Implementing Regulation on the Provisions Governing Tax Consultants, Tax Agents and Tax Consulting Firms (Verordnung zur Durchführung der Vorschriften über Steuerberater, Steuerbevollmächtigte und Steuerberatungsgesellschaften - DVStB), section 54 of the Public Auditors Regulations (Wirtschaftsprüferordnung - WPO) in conjunction with the Regulations on the Professional Indemnity Insurance of Public Auditors and Certified Accountants (Verordnung über die Berufshaftpflichtversicherung der Wirtschaftsprüfer und vereidigten Buchprüfer - WPBHV).


While every care has been taken in the preparation of this website, we do not, however, warrant that its content is accurate, complete or up-to-date. Use of the content of this website is at your risk. This also applies to any direct or indirect links to other websites. Responsibility for the content of such websites is borne by their operators exclusively.

The person responsible pursuant to section 55(2) of the Interstate Broadcasting Treaty (Staatsvertrag für Rundfunk und Telemedien – RStV) for this site is:
Dr. jur. Michael Schuster
JAFFÉ Rechtsanwälte PartG mbB
Wilhelmstraße 2
80801 München